Current Events Bulletin Board |
Edna Rauco’s Retirement Party
Edna Rauco, our Church Administrator for the past 46 years, retired from her position at the end of August. A picnic for the Episcopal Church of Schuylkill County was held on Sunday, September 15, at 10 am at the Sweet Arrow Lake large pavilion in Pine Grove for Holy Eucharist and then a picnic/reception followed the service for Edna’s retirement.
Advent Project For Nursing Homes
At each entrance, there is a box waiting for your generous gifts of travel-size items or small sizes (7 or 8 oz.) for nursing home residents who have very little disposable income. This was a huge success last Christmas and all churches are now involved so the blessing of giving should be tenfold. Here are examples of items needed:
Toothpaste and toothbrushes Mouthwash, breath mints
Shampoos and conditioners Combs
Body lotions, hand lotions Hand wipes, bathroom wipes
Travel tissues Hand sanitizer
Nail files Lip balm
Disposable razors Deodorant
The deadline for filling the boxes is December 10 and the items will be delivered in Christmas bags to those most in need. Christ’s Love with a Christmas bow!
Christmas Flower Memorials
In this edition of the TOPICS, you will find the form for Christmas flowers in memory of loved ones or thanksgiving for blessings. The deadline is Sunday, December 8. Please be precise as to names and intentions since Kristy is new to our parish and will not know what specific requests were made in 2023.
Thank you for your attention to this.
Phone and Email Update
As time goes by, we sometimes forget to update our addresses, phone numbers and email information at the office. If this is the case for you, please contact Kristy Sarge at the office 570-622-8720 or email your updated info to
Prayer List
We are in the process of renewing our prayer list. If you would like someone included in that list, please call the office at 570-622-8720 and let Kristy know.
Coffee Hour
Coffee Hour is held on the second Sunday of each month. We invite a family or individual to sign up to bring a treat to share for fellowship after the service. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the hallway behind the altar.
Trinity’s 200th Anniversary
In 2027 we will be celebrating our parish’s 200th anniversary! It seems like a long way off, but it will be here sooner than we think. A committee needs to be formed to discuss possible events for this momentous celebration. A liaison with the Historical Society should be part of this. If you are interested in serving on a committee or have any ideas for events, please speak to any member of the Vestry to begin this process. Many thanks!
Clothesline-of-Love season is fast approaching. Items requested are socks, gloves, hats, scarves, all sized from kids to adults and one-gallon clear plastic freezer bags. Items can be dropped off at the church during office hours. Any additional questions, please contact Paul Barnwell at 570-617-7286.
Please note: event notices to be included in the bulletin are due to the office by NOON on the WEDNESDAY before the Sunday they are requested to be in the bulletin.
Counters Needed
We need counters for Sunday mornings after the service. We still have only 4 counters and when several are away, the counting and subsequent deposit are delayed. Another opportunity for ministry which only takes a couple of hours per month when there are more volunteers. Please speak to any member of the Vestry if you feel called for this ministry. Thank you.
Altar Guild
Volunteers are needed for Altar Guild. As with the Counters, we have very few volunteers. Setting up for a Eucharistic service is easy to learn and only takes about 15-20 minutes of set up at the end of each week. On Sundays after the service, guild members clean up and put the consecrated elements in the tabernacle when necessary. If you are interested, please see Karen Portland or Cora Gamelin-Osenbach.
Soup Sale
Calling all good cooks, we will be holding a soup sale in the church lounge on Sunday Nov. 3 following service. This is a perfect time of year when we are looking for warm and delicious soups, stews and chili to enjoy for lunch and supper. Start looking up your favorite recipes so we have another great selection to sell. The prices for the soup will be $10.00 quart and $5.00 pint. Containers will be available in the church lounge on the piano.
Holiday Treat Exchange
On Sunday, December 8, we will have the Annual Treat Exchange. You are invited to join in the fun. Bring a tray of your favorite cookies or some other holiday treats (like spiced nuts or candy) to display in the lounge. After the service, everyone gets a bag to select their favorite treats to take home. No cakes or pies please which are difficult to bag.
If you are not able to bake or create something, please join us for fellowship and sharing goodies to go. There will be plenty for all.
Gas Boiler Update
Miller Mechanical Enterprises of Schuylkill Haven was tasked to demolish and remove the old gas burner and install a new Burnham gas boiler. A new cement pad was installed by Robert Burns Masonry. The newly installed boiler is complete and has passed all Pennsylvania inspections. It is now ready for the heating season.
The cost of the new gas boiler is over $85,000. Any donations toward this new heating system will be appreciated. Please include your name and envelope number, and “gas boiler” on the envelope and place your donation in the offering plate or send it to the church.
Calling All Decorators
On Sunday, December 22, volunteers are needed after the service to help decorate the church for the Christmas Eve service. Help will be needed to place poinsettias, the crèche, hang sconces and wreaths, fluff bows and change altar hangings, etc. after the 9 am service. Many hands make light work. Thank you to anyone who may be able to help.
Vestry Members Needed
As we begin to think ahead to our holiday celebrations and the end of the year, we must also think about the Annual Meeting on January 26, 2025, and the need for new Vestry members. Vacant spots need to be filled for 3-year terms. The Vestry meets on the fourth Sunday of each month to discuss pertinent issues in the church and make decisions that impact the parish. This is another ministry for people to consider with time and talent. Please contact any Vestry member for more information and with any questions you may have. “Here am I, Lord…”
Committee Reports and Vestry Bios
All committee reports and biographies for those standing for Vestry must be in the office no later than Wednesday, January 8, 2024, so the Annual meeting report can be prepared for the meeting on Sunday, January 26. If you need a form, please call or email Kristy. 570-622-8720 or